
The Sounds of UMA: Our Spotify Playlist

Headphones on yellow background for music

The Sounds of UMA: Our Spotify Playlist

Sound: vibrations that travel through the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a person's ear.

Sound, one of the five senses, is crucial when speaking about the experience UMA seeks to provide our residents. Without sound, communication is null. Without sound, feelings are harder to convey. Therefore, we have compiled a playlist of songs and vibrations we would like to share with our residences to show our promise in giving our residences an immersive experience.

Our first playlist is catered towards fun/energetic people who enjoy sipping their beachside cocktails

Playlist two is a universal playlist for those who want to wind down during/after sundown:

We would also love for our residents to contribute in building these experiences for future residents by allowing you to request/add new songs to the playlist. Send in your request to add songs through to!