
Essentials for your Visit to Phi Phi Island

Wooden Boat in Phi Phi Island

Essentials for your Visit to Phi Phi Island

Before you embark on your journey of discovery, consider the following advice. Phi Phi Island is a place of endless wonders. But, the appropriate preparations must be considered. 

Apart from the obvious logistics—boat transportation from Phuket—try to pack the following:

1. Mosquito Repellent

They are relentless. Do not underestimate the mighty Thai mosquitos. They will catch you where you least expect. We suggest natural repellent sold at any local convenience stores. Look for key ingredients such as lemongrass extract and eucalyptus oil.

2. Sunscreen

Protection, protection, and protection! We understand tanning is at the top of your priority list during your visit to Thailand. But, it will burn. You will regret it. Plus, who wants to age prematurely?! Anything below SPF 50 will not stop Thailand’s blazing sun.

3. Insulated Water Bottles

While soaking up the sun and enjoying the clear ocean, you will find yourself dehydrated. And, you do not want to destroy the abundance of wildlife and beautiful landscapes Phi Phi offers with plastic litter. Find the water bottle which speaks to your adventurous soul. But, we do recommend an insulated one for a refreshing taste.

4. Waterproof Pouches

Protect your valuables. We cannot tell you how many times water has soaked through our latest electronic purchases. It takes a simple slip while taking a selfie to destroy your devices. And, along with it goes the documentations of your travel. We recommend getting the ones with straps to hold your phone. If you’re a real adventurer, try the bigger ones. Those fit not only your devices but also sunglasses and other valuables.

5. Underwater Camera

This is definitely an optional one. But, why miss the opportunity to capture the very reason you came to Phi Phi. The ocean life is absolutely magnificent. Dive below the surface. Capture it. Share it.


Phi Phi speaks to those who open their hearts to it. Try new things. It isn’t just a beach. It’s an experience. Try new food. Try new swimming techniques. Discover new fish and coral life. Speak to locals. Learn the traditions. Extend your arms. Breathe in the fresh air. We confirm it is truly a once in a lifetime experience.